UX Video User Tests

The Baller Way to User Test
I've become a huge fan of doing in-depth reviews of website designs and functionality with the built-in video capturing features of modern devices. The iOS devices handle this task effortlessly.
Using these devices, any stakeholder can both record what they're doing on the screen and record what they are thinking about their experience as they work through the site or app.
The key to making critically useful recordings, is to let yourself really say the things in your head, even if it seems stupid in the moment. You have to try to disarm your analytical side, and just talk through what you're doing in an app or site. Interestingly, it's surprisingly difficult to openly talk about your own mistakes while you interact with a website or software design.
Here's a few examples of going through a site on different touch-interface devices from Apple:
Recording user tests of sites and apps isn't limited to devices! Although a bit more involved as far as preparation and software, you can also record desktop experiences to study and critique your web projects. Here's an example:
CAUTION: This video has an annoyingly loud click/tap sound from the screen capture software I used. Please excuse the annoyance and adjust your audio levels accordingly! U P D A T E D